You love going to the dog park. Your dog LOVES going to the dog park. What do you do once you’re both there? How do you act? How do you teach your dog to behave? How should your dog interact? What are the guidelines and rules – what is the dog park etiquette?
Here are a few things to consider while visiting your local dog park.
Don’t bring your puppy to a dog park, and if you must, make sure you are supervising very carefully. Puppies are learning about so many things and can’t be expected to behave properly in mixed company. While teaching your pup to be social is vital to their growth, you would be served better to do this with a friend’s dog you know, in a backyard or regular park, where you can be in control of what happens. That is an important part of dog park etiquette.
Don’t take a dog to a park that’s too crowded. This can cause dogs to get anxious and aggressive.
Make sure your dog actually enjoys the location you have chosen. Sometimes distractions, such as heavy traffic, can make the nicest place a dread for your buddy.
Do not break dog park etiquette by bringing personal items such as toys, treats or bones. It can cause jealousy, anxiety and aggression in your dog or other park visitors.
Do not allow your dog to start a pack or bully other dogs. Just like with humans, groups can get unruly. It is up to you to insure your dog is a nice addition, not a nuisance!
Supervise your dog at all times. Don’t socialize heavily with the other owners or spend the whole time on your cell phone. Make sure your dog will respond to your verbal commands. If they can’t, you can’t let them off of their leash, and that doesn’t make a dog park very fun.
Before you become a regular, consult your vet and make sure your dog’s health is good. Most importantly, confirm that he is up to date on shots.
The most obvious advice: Pick up after your pet! There is no excuse for leaving this chore to someone else.
Don’t let your dog be bullied by others. Remember, you can leave any time you want if you don’t like something that is going on. There are other dog parks!
A trip to the dog park can be a fun, rewarding, major social event for your dog. It also helps him get the exercise he needs, which is helpful to reduce anxiety and promote better sleep.
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