Dog barking is one of the most common "dog complaints" along with chewing. Often times your neighbors let you know how much your dog is barking before you figure out that your dog is ALWAYS barking!
Some tips to help are, if you are at home with the barking dog, shake a can with something in it, fill a soda can with pennies or small pebbles. When your dog barks, tell him to stop and shake the can , it will make a lot of noise. He may instantly stop barking due to being surprised by the noise. Likewise you can use a spray bottle in the same way.
There are several collars on the market which produce a static charge when your dog begins barking. These work when you aren't home and may be necessary in order to keep the peace with your neighbors.
Always choose the method to train your dog wisely and consult a trainer or dog behaviorist if you have concerns or questions. Some breeds of dog are just barkers, since barking is instinctual, it may be impossible to train some dogs not to bark. Always consider what a breeds traits are before committing to being a life long home for a dog.
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