An Addiction.......
Every time we have a litter of puppies I say 'never again'. Within a couple years we cave in and have another litter of puppies. I have no idea why, it makes no sense, it defies logic.
We breeders tinker with genetics, we try to improve our breed, eliminate genetically inherited diseases, hope for the perfect example of the breed, then try, try again. There is something wrong with us.
The first couple weeks you marvel at the miracle of new born puppies, weeks two through six, you see all things as new through their eyes. The first guests, the first kitty cat, the first trip outdoors, real dog food, the first bark, whine, all firsts, fun and exciting. At seven weeks, something changes, those sweet faces that had looked at you so adoringly are gone. There something going on, something, dare we say? Demonic?
Those puppies who hung on your every word, who followed you a little too closely everywhere you went, their sun rose and set on you and only you. Suddenly, you have become boring, old news, the one who blocks their fun, who says 'get out of the garbage' way too often, who barks 'no' at every perceived offense. You have become the enemy of puppy. Hunker down, this is a long phase.
The kindly friend and helper who was there every step of the way, that lady who spoiled the puppies no matter the offense, who you smiled at as she entertained and pampered those puppies, the lady you now squint at and suspect, a conspiracy that may have started higher up on the food chain. Could she be the leader of this new nefarious puppy gang?
At ages two weeks through six weeks you ponder the logistics of adding multiple dogs to your family, what's a few more to feed, to clean up after, to take to the vet, to trip over, to share your food with, to control your every waking moment.
That changes, you start thinking of new homes, new puppy families, longing once again for some days of peace and quiet. The day when the mop no longer lives within reach, garbage cans can once again be returned to the floor level, you can travel freely without fear of tripping over the little darlings. You swear you'll never have another litter of puppies.
The cycle continues. Insanity is alive and well. Puppy breath will be back, the mop will once again be ever present, you will hate yourself every time you scream 'no'.
At seven weeks you swear off ever having another litter of puppies....................
It's just the way it works.
Puppy mom.
Those sweet faces and overwhelming joy at seeing you far outweigh the mopping and the garbage. The joy of seeing them explore the outside world around them, total excitement at them returning the ball that you have thrown numerous times, the kisses . . . the laughter they bring and the love they give=total happiness.