Friday, August 3, 2012

What is Alpha?

All dogs have some sort of relationship to a wolf in their “family tree”. All wolf packs have an alpha male. This wolf controls everything the pack does. He eats first, has his pick of the ladies and he is not to be questioned. as he is the leader of the pack. 

If you have a dog you must assume the position as the “alpha dog”. If a dog growls at you while he is eating, you are not showing that you are the alpha dog; he is telling you that he is the alpha dog and he is not done eating.

Who is alpha?
If a dog leans on you, puts his paw on you or any other form of him touching you, he is asserting his dominance over you. In the wolf world, a show of space is regarded as a high form of respect. You are to touch and pet him first. Let him know, also, that once you are done petting him he will not be receiving anymore pets, until you want to pet him again. You must stop petting your dog if your dog becomes too excited, anxious, or anything but submissive. If you hug your dog, hug him from above. Bending over him is a sign of dominance but also a display of affection if you are hugging him.

Another thing you need is a dog bed, a place for your dog to sleep, his own special place in the house. The living room is usually the best place, somewhere where everyone gathers for the majority of the day. If you let your dog sleep in your bed, he begins to think that your bed is his or her place in the house.

more info on alpha....

The last dog bed you'll ever need to buy:

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