Friday, April 6, 2012

Pet Euthanasia NO ! Sterilization YES!

The good news is that only four million animals succumb to pet euthanasia every year, down from 20 million yearly in 1970. The change is the rise in animal rescue societies, aggressive adoption drives and best of all, low cost spay and neutering programs.
The bad news is, four million animals still fall victim to pet euthanasia every year.
Veterinarians are on board with sterilization, often donating their skills or space at clinics for low cost initiatives. Some states and cities require it. The problem has been convincing owners to consistently adopt the practice. Some empathize with their pet, reasoning they wouldn’t want something like that done to them, forgetting that pet euthanasia is the likely result for unwanted litters. Others simply don’t have the money.

Scientists have been working on less invasive means of sterilization and a shot costing abut $6 may be available in late 2011, helping drive down the need for pet euthanasia.
In the meantime, as’s commitment to the compassionate treatment of animals, we will donate $10 of every bed sold to the shelter, neutering or adoption agency of the customer’s choice. The group has to hold 501(c) 3 status and you must specify the group’s name, address and an email at the time of purchase.

If you would like to exchange links for your organization, we would be happy to do so.
Together, we can bring the number down from four million!

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